Canker Sore Laser Treatment

A direct and immediate way of treating canker sores at Wayzata Dental is through the use of a dental soft tissue laser. This treatment is quick, comfortable, inexpensive, and incredibly effective. Through biostimulation, using light energy, we can relieve discomfort by sealing off nerve endings and promoting faster healing.

Quick and Effective Treatment

Don’t suffer through painful canker sores, with our dental soft tissue laser treatment, immediate relief is possible. Learn more about canker sore laser treatment for treating and preventing canker sores below.

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"Innovative dentistry only office with laser technology fillings in Metro area and they offer teeth cleaning. Excellent service!"
Caroline A

About Canker Sores

What are Canker Sores?

A canker sore, also known as an aphthous ulcer, is an autoimmune response which damages the skin inside the mouth. The ulcer appears as a white or yellow center with a red border, and can be found on the inside of the lips or cheeks, on or underneath the tongue, and on the back of the throat.

Canker sores can vary in size, from small (less than half of a centimeter) to large. They are usually associated with physical or emotional stress, become painful, and commonly come back in multiple areas.

What Causes Canker Sores?

The exact cause of canker sores is unknown. However, they often appear as a result of stress or tissue injury (i.e. from a sharp tooth or dental appliance, braces, ill-fitting dentures or even the bristles of a toothbrush). Sometimes certain spices or acidic foods or beverages can trigger a sore or make them worse. In some cases, canker sores are caused by an underlying health condition or compromised immune system. Other factors may include nutritional deficiencies and gastrointestinal tract disease.

What are the Symptoms of Canker Sores?

Symptoms of a canker sore may include:

  • A painful sore or sores inside your mouth: on your tongue, on the roof of your mouth, or inside your cheeks
  • A tingling or burning sensation before the appearance of the sores
  • Sores in your mouth that are round, white, or gray in color, with a red edge or border

In the case of a severe canker sore outbreak, you may also experience:

  • Fever
  • Physical sluggishness
  • Swollen lymph nodes

How are Canker Sores Treated?

Any pain from a canker sore will start to diminish after a few days, sometimes taking several days to subside. The sores usually heal without treatment in about a week or two.

Sometimes an antimicrobial mouth rinse may be prescribed, or a corticosteroid ointment or a prescription or nonprescription solution to reduce the pain and irritation. However, a more direct and immediate way of canker sore removal and relieving discomfort is through the use of a dental soft tissue laser. This treatment is quick, comfortable, inexpensive, and incredibly effective. Through biostimulation, using light energy, we can relieve discomfort by sealing off nerve endings and promoting faster healing. Theses sores are treated without the use of anesthesia.

Can Canker Sores be Prevented?

Although there is no cure for canker sores and they often reoccur, you may be able to reduce their frequency by doing the following:

  • Avoiding foods that irritate your mouth, including acidic or spicy foods
  • Avoiding irritation from gum chewing
  • Brushing with a soft-bristled brush after meals and flossing daily, which will keep your mouth free of foods that might trigger a sore.

Call Your Dentist About Canker Sores if You Have:

  • Unusually large sores
  • Sores that are spreading
  • Sores that last 3 weeks or longer
  • Intolerable pain despite avoiding trigger foods and taking over-the-counter pain medication
  • Difficulty drinking enough fluids
  • A high fever with the appearance of the canker sore(s)

What are the Benefits of Using canker sore laser treatment for removal?

  • Laser energy destroys the virus that causes the sore
  • Relief is immediate and profound
  • Help prevent sores if treated once the lip starts tingling
  • Arrests the progression of the lesion after treatment
  • Faster healing without any further discomfort through photo-biostimulation
  • Treatment takes just a few minutes and is done without anesthesia


How Does Laser Treatment Work?

Without any injections to numb the area, the laser heats the lesion to kill the virus and stimulate your body’s healing potential. The laser does not touch the skin. The heat is controlled by keeping the tip of the laser several millimeters away from the tissue, taking care not to overheat the ulcer.

Treatment lasts about 15 minutes, and most patients feel better immediately after treatment!

What Should I Expect After Treatment?

Most patients feel immediate relief after laser treatment, and do not require another treatment. The time that it takes for the ulcer to heal shortens considerably when compared to no treatment.

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