Tooth-Colored Composites

Tooth-colored composites are filling materials that are used to fill cavities in teeth. In recent years, amalgam or silver fillings have fallen out of fashion in favor of tooth-colored composites.

Maintain a Natural Looking Smile

At Wayzata Dental, we always recommend the treatment we feel will provide a lasting solution to your dental needs. Contact us today to learn more about our innovative approach to your dental health.

Testimonial Image    
"I am more confident and happy with my smile! His work is impeccable and he genuinely cared. Over all the years of seeing dentists, he is by far the best. I’m looking forward to having more work done with him. I recommend Wayzata Dental 100%."
MJ Evans

Pros and Cons of Tooth-Colored Composites

Advantages of tooth-colored composites
Disadvantages of cheap or plastic tooth-colored composites

Many dental offices routinely use cheap tooth-colored composites that contain plastic. We prefer to use porcelain, as it is far more durable, albeit a more expensive material.  When patients do request the less expensive material, we only use BPA-free filling matieral. Here are some of the disadvantages of the plastic-containing composites:

Contact us today to learn more about our innovative approach to your dental health and let us help you determine which option is right for you!

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